Document Type : Research Paper


University of AlMosul ,Collage of Education



The adsorption process for Aliphatic and Aromatic dicarboxylic acid on manganese dioxide was studied briefly as a polluted material which produced in nature. The result showed that the anions of acid molecules were adsorbed on the surface of MnO2 depending on the pH of the solution and the shape of molecule. The aliphatic acids were partially enforcement with Langmuir isotherm and completely with Freundlech isotherm, but phthalic acid agreed with Langmuir only. The kinetic studies of pseudo first and second order were applied on this system. The adsorption process was endothermic except succinic acid, non- spontaneous and the nature of forces between the acid molecules and surface were physical in nature ,where the molecules in continues motion on surface and unsystematic except for succinic acid.

Main Subjects

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