Document Type : Research Paper


1 Anbar Health Department - Public Health Department

2 College of Science, University of Anbar

3 University of Anbar - Center for Desert Studies


Fifteen isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from different clinical sources ( 4 from ear, 3 from wounds, one from sputum, 3 from urine, 3 from burns, and one isolates from cerebral spinal fluid), these isolates were tested to know its efficiency to produce protease in liquid and solid medium in primary and secondary screening stages. Isolate marked as P5 obtained from burns infection was more efficient one in protease production. The optimum(temperature, pH,incubation period, and culture medium) for enzyme production were determined and the result showed that pH 8 , temperature 35 °C , incubation period 36 hrs were optimal conditions and tryptic soy broth medium for protease production.


Main Subjects

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