Document Type : Research Paper


1 Iraqi University - College of Education - Tarmiyah

2 Ministry of Science and Technology


This isolated genus has a considerable and important value in biotechnological resources and applications,. These bacteria use much more efficiently the organic substances small molecules units such nitrate, nitrite and used in biosorption for heavy metals ions like Zn+2,Cu+2, Pb+2. Cd+2 This work belongs to a research study on biodegradation of environmental pollutants with nitrate and nitrite, which studies denitrifying bacteria such Pseudomonas aeruginosa. They were tested in labs and naturally in waste water of deferent areas at Baghdad.It was found that strains of Pseudomonas were reduced of 21-35 % from NO3- and 31-47% from NO2- during 24 hours incubation ,checking pH7, contained in used medium to some other nitrogenous compounds using the enzyme nitrate reductase and enzyme nitrite reductase. In the process of bio sorption showed the removal that the concentration of heavy metals( Zn,Cu,Cd,Pb) above from the type of bacteria. The ratio of removal for Pseudomonas aeruginosa in concentration above 48.4% ، 85.6% ،82.3% ،33%.


Main Subjects

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