Document Type : Research Paper


1 College of Science, University of Anbar

2 Collage of Education for Women- University of Anbar

3 College ducation university of Al-anbar


The present study has been carried out to evaluate the performance of the water filtration system model (Artec). The physiological, chemical, and biochemical properties have been studied to determine their effects on the performance of this system. The system has been tested for an operation period that lasted for 1380 hrs divided into four stages during which, 130 water samples have been collected from five locations in the system in the first stage and seven locations in the second, third and forth stages UV lamp has been added in the third stage . Sample collection has started on the 1st of Feb. 2012 and ended on the 10th of Feb. 2013 to determine the physical properties of water samples represented by temperature, turbidity and electric conductivity and the chemical properties represented by hydrogen index, solid melting material and complete turbidity, in addition to measuring some positive and negative ions, melting oxygen, total count of bacteria, isolating and diagnosing types of bacteria in the samples.Results of studying the physical and chemical properties have shown that the water samples collected from location S, the clean water taken from the tap of the system, which are within the allowed limits.Results of the isolation and diagnosis in the unit of the study have revealed no bacterial pollution and the ability to isolate and diagnose the following bacteria Enterobacter cloacae complex
(5.38%) , Sphingomonas paucimobilis (0.64%) , Micrococcus lylae (2.55 %) , Rhizobium radiobacter (0.27 %) , Micrococcus luteus (6.36 %) , Staphylococcus lentus (2.71 %) , Acintobacter baumannii (7.04 %) , Acintobacter calccaceticus (3.72 %) , Kocuria kristinae (2.92 %) , Pseudomonas aeruginosa (59.40 %) , Enterobacter cloacae dissolvens (3.39 %) , Raoultella ornithionolytica (1.55 %) , Ralstonia pickcttii (3.99 %) .

Main Subjects

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