Document Type : Research Paper


1 College of Science, University of Anbar

2 College ducation university of tikrit

3 College of Veterinary Medicine -university of tikrit

4 University of Anbar-College of Agriculture


Been obtained for the isolation of a local parasite Eimeria tenella by taking the cecca of 850 samples from slaughterhouses chickens in the city of Ramadi, and after purification and In vitro Sporolated diagnosed through the shape and size of the parasite and the infection, as has been confirmed diagnosis of the sample in the veterinary hospital / Ramadi , he received the strain challenge by strengthening the isolation and written consent of Chicken type Ross 308 five times, has been cracking the parasite by an ultrasound Sonicater and extract Sporocyst and Sporozoite in fourth Dose , injected Challenge Strain then in laying hens Type Luhman in different areas under the skin and muscle of the chest and thigh muscle and the muscle of the neck after mixing with the solution of Freund's incomplete oil adjuvant, was then the collection of eggs from the first day of the first dose until the end of the fourth dose of the control sequence to increase immunoglobulin IgY in egg yolk, extracted immunoglobulin IgY from egg yolk on a daily basis and has Dialysis and the deportation of protein extract crude by Vertical Electrophoresis with some standard protein, and measuring the concentration of crude protein by means of a spectroscope optical Spectrophotometer at wavelength 540, depending on Baurit it reached its highest level 137.12604 mg/egg , were separated IgY using Technology Column Chromatography packed gel Sephacryl S300 HR 95 cm high and 1.6 cm diameter and Determenation of molecular weight by separating the dye Blue Dextran 2000 and seven proteins that record different molecular weights and the work of the curve index, were also measured concentration of IgY extracted after separation column by Spectrophotometer it reached its highest level 117.61764 mg/egg, was deported IgY by Electrophoresis with standard IgG for the detection of a package Kama Globulin , conducted revealed clumping of IgY with strain fierce by the use of Single radial immunodiffusion test and Double immunodiffusion Ouchterlony test to determine the extent of specialization against the type of isolation and extraction of focus appropriate for use as a treatment in subsequent experiments, you saved the sample IgY by freezing degree zero -4 C The results showed significant differences between the treatments especially in infection region ( ceacum ) and that the best way to cure by giving injection therapy in the peritoneum and egg yolk inside body compared with negative control and the rest of the transactions .


Main Subjects

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