Document Type : Research Paper


College of Science, University of Anbar


In this paper practical study have been made to estimate the uranium (238U) concentration through the measurement of the radon gas (222Rn) concentration for different samples include soils and pieces of metals from different locations at AL-Falluja City which it was became one of the military operations, via detecting alpha particles that emits from radon gas using (SSNTDs) (CR-39). The maximum for the uranium and radon gas concentration has been found to be nearly { (0.0393 ppm) } and { (86.55 Bq/m3) } respectively, in al golan quarter. Minimum has been found in Al gameia quarter and estimate to be nearly { (0.0129 ppm) } and { ( 28.49 Bq/m3) } respectively. There is no radiation Contamination caused by uranium and its daughters in the Falluja City, so we may conclude that this city does not attacked with depleted Uranium bombs.

Main Subjects

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