Document Type : Research Paper


University of Anbar - College of Education for Pure Sciences



Field experiment was conducted in one of agricultural projects located in western of Anbar province, 60 km Al-Qaam city during winter of 2012 -2013 to study the Effect of leafy nutrition with Zinc, iron, and copper in different combination on some phenotypical, physiological, and productivity of Barely type Abaa 265 under axial sprinkling irrication system, and irrigated with underground water, in result of different combination, eight treatments were obtained included the control, analyzed with Randomized Complete blook Design (RCBD) with three replicate, After statistical analysis the results shows superiority of all leafy nutrition treatments in compared with control and the treatment (T8) showed significance superiority compared with control in all studying characteristics (T8) treatment was gave highest values in plant height 71 cm/ plant, branch number 495 branch/m2, , and leaf area 13.78 cm2/leaf this mean that increase level was 11.5%, 34%,and 29.8% respectively in comparison with control treatment. Also (T8) had superiority in chlorophyll content, level and the level was 32.23Spad/leaf, respectively, that mean the increasing level was 45.4%, respectively in comparison with control. The superiority of (T8) was clear over other treatments in length of Spike 4.713 cm/spike, weight of 1000 of seeds was 34.56 g. the area hold grains was 381.4 b/m2, the increasing level were 15%, 9.2% and 56.9%, respectively compared with control treatment.

Main Subjects

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