Document Type : Research Paper


University of Anbar - College of Science



The study was conducted to evaluate the inhibition activity of Trichoderma harzianum and Aspergillus wenti and Salicylic acid (0.01 %) solution against Tomato Mosaic Virus (ToMV). The possibility of the use of fungal filtrates in stimulate resistance in tomato plants against virus infection have been studied for this purpose Datura stramonium leaves have been inoculated with mixture composed fungal filtrates and Tomato Mosaic Virus ( ToMV) .The results showed that the the number of lesion for the T. harzianum filtrate decrease with increasing the age of filtrate from one day to six day, The six filtrate gave lowest of lesion number, 2.971 lession/ cm2 compared with anathor period and control treatments which gave 10.085 lession / cm2 for water and 9.982 lession/ cm2 for potato media with significant differences compared with salicylic acid . The sex day filtrates for T. harzianum gave the grate effect on inhibition of virus replication, and also for A.wenti filtrate treatment which reduce the number of lesion with increasing the age of fungi filtrate beginning from first day to sex day and gave 4.580 lession/ cm2 with the significant differences compared with the controle treatment ( water and potato media).The concentration 50% from both fungi ( T. harzianum and A. wenti)gave the grate effect in inhibition of lesion number and inhibitor of Tomato mosaic virus replication comparing with the other concentrations and control treatment. The crud filtrate for T.harzianum with concentration 50% gave the highiest inhibition rate 61.712% ( local lesion 3.795 lession/ cm2 ) then A. wenti filtrate with inhibition rate 57.871 % (No of local lesion 4.014 lession / cm2 ).The resalts also showed that the resistance induced by spreading tomato plants with the filtrate of T. harzianum , A. wenti and salicylic acid, the T. harzianum have the highiest effect in virus inhibition with increasing the number of spreading untile 8 with the inhibition rate 45 % while A. wenti fungi gave inhibition rate 43.072%. Soacking steams of Tomato leaves with T. harzianum filtrate after inoculated with virus for one day led to inhibition the virus replication in leaves , with inhibition rate 65.782% (No. of local lesion 2.373 lession/ cm2 ) while gave 52.357 for A. wenti fungi filtrate ( local lesion No. 3.304 lession/ cm2 ).


Main Subjects

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