Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Anbar - College of Science

2 University of Anbar - College of Education and Pure Sciences



The study aims at determining the impact of thyroid disorders in some blood and biochemical changes to try determine changes in some of the functions of the body as a result of these disorders, whether physiological or biochemical. This study was conducted in Ramadi Teaching Hospital for the period from November 2013 until May 2014. The study sample includs 130 blood samples of women with whom we brought the hospital for tests of the thyroid hormones, and these samples were divided by (50 Female sound represents the control group and 40 female suffering from hyperthyroidism Female and 40 others suffer from hypothyroidism).The study estimates blood and biochemical variables which includs both bleeding and clotting time and platelet counts blood and as was assessment fragility osmosis membranes of red blood cells, and the concentration of Fibrinogen in the plasma. Results of the study showed the following:high levels of bleeding time and the time of coagulation and platelet count blood when comparing results with the healthy group.And the low rate of coagulation time when compared with the healthy group.3. increase vulnerability osmosis membranes of red blood cells for patients with thyroid disorders (fragments and palaces) any lack of resistance to decomposition.4. The lack of significant differences between patients with hyperthyroidism and a healthy rate of bleeding time and platelet counts and concentration Fibrinogen and as observed also the lack of significant differences in the concentration of Fibrinogen rate in the case of hypothyroidism when compared with the healthy group.

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