Document Type : Research Paper


University of Anbar - College of Education for Pure Sciences



This work includes the synthesis of new esters derivatives for D- galactitol at the primary hydroxyl group (C1 , C6 ) of the galactitol molecule by the reaction of galactitol with the following pure fatty acid esters (methyl butyrate , methyl hexanoate , methyl octanoate methyl nonanoate methyl decanoate , methyl laurate , methyl palmitate methyl stearate ) to obtain 1 , 6 – di – O – ester – D – galactitol (A – H ) or with crude oil ( tri glyceride ) (olive oil , flax seeds oil , sun flowers oil , coconut oil , corn oil , cotton seeds oil , castor oil , soya ban oil , palme oil , sesame oil , peanut oil and pin oil ) to obtain mixture esters compounds 1 , 6 – di – O- ester- D-galactitol (I - T) These esters compounds have been prepared by Transesterification method and the progress of the reaction was detected by ( T.L.C) technique . These compounds was characterized spectrophotometric by (FT-IR) , (1H- NMR) , and elemental analysis (C.H.N.S) . This work, also includes studying of some physical properties of the preparing ester compounds such as foam properties and surface tension to estimate their capability as detergents and emulsifier agents . The study showed that the prepared ester compounds have good detergents and emulsion properties

Main Subjects

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