Document Type : Research Paper


University of Anbar - College of Science



In this research has been manufacture of overlapping polymer of unsaturated polyester resin Reinforced by polypropylene fibers (PPF) with ratio weight , (0,4,6,8,10) gm from polypropylene fibers . And at room temperature it has been studied the thermal conductivity properties of this compound and identified practical results that the thermal conductivity in natural conditions decreases with increasing the ratio by mass of fibers of polypropylene in the compound, and the thermal conductivity values continue decreasing as ratio strengthened polyethylene fibers of polypropylene in the compound. Immersion and the solution of acid, the value of the thermal conductivity of all the samples increases with increasing duration of immersion in the acid solution, and when comparing the thermal conductivity values for samples with a period of immersion in the solution of acid with the dry state is evident that the difference in The increase in the value of thermal conductivity between the dry case and the case of immersion in acid solution increases whenever a period of immersion increased with the increase in the proportion of reinforcement fibers of polypropylene.

Main Subjects

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