Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Anbar - College of Education for Pure Sciences

2 University of Anbar - College of Science


The aim of this study is to isolation of Klebsiella spp. from different environmental sites ( Human , Soil , Water ) and study their susceptibility against some antibiotics . 247 clinical and environmental samples were collected from different sources from Baghdad governorate (urine and sputum, burns , wounds , water liquefaction , sewage , agricultural soil , soil of poultry farms). The results of bacterial cultural ,microscopical and biochemical tests, and Vitik -2- compact dvice had shown that 46 isolates were belong to Klebsiella spp., the susceptibility of these isolates toward 7 antibiotics were done by using by the diffusion method disk, and the results showed that 44 isolates (95%) were resistant to Augmantin and 38 isolates (82.6%) to Cefotaxime , tetracycline (76%), while isolates showed good sensitivity toward Imikacin, Imipenem, Aztreonam, Gentamicin. On the other hand the results showed that there is variation in the response of these isolates to antibiotics according to the environmental sites , the burns and wounds clinical samples were more susceptibal toward Augmantin and Cefotaxime, while the isolates which were taken from water, agricultural soil were sensitive towards Imikacin , Imipenem , Aztreonam , Gentamicin.


Main Subjects

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