Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Anbar - College of Science

2 The Ministry of Science and Technology


This study was executed to find out the effect of the treatment soil by the fungus Trichoderma sp. to increasing the ability of the plant alfalfa to absorption copper and zinc from contaminated soils with heavy metals. The fungus Trichoderma sp. isolated from soils of possible contamination sites in Al-Ramadi city, and added to soil which treatment by four concentrations of two heavy metals copper (0,40,60,80 mg/l) and zinc (0,110,165,220 mg/l). Results showed the treatment fungus Trichoderma sp. has a clear role in increasing the percentage of absorption of copper and zinc in terms of the rate of absorption in leaves and roots, of the of plants grown in soils is treated with fungus compared with plants grown in soils is the non-treated of the fungus, as amended registered 40.4333, 25.309, 49.865, 60.719, 31.0375, 22.250, 41.790, 54.338 mg/l respectively.


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