Document Type : Research Paper


University of Anbar - College of Science


This study included the collection of 52 dental swabs samples from patients suffering from infection of the teeth, the microscopic and biochemical tests was conducted and a selective media were used for the diagnosis of bacterial isolates that were isolated. The results showed the represented of Streptococcus mutans with infection rate 30.7%. The effect of fourteen antibiotics were studied toward 46 Streptococcus mutans isolates by disk diffusion method and the most resistant one to antibiotics was selected that was possessed pattern of multiple drug resistance towards(11-12) antibiotic. The virulence factors of the bacteria was investigated and the results showed the ability of these isolates to Biofilm, formation and production of Haemolysin, bacteriocin, protease, gelatinase, and sidrophores. Sesamum seeds were collected and diagnosed, oil was prepared and cellular toxicity and its PH were evaluted and the antimicrobial activity of oil against Streptococcus mutans by disk diffusion method was performed. The study showed that the Sesamum oil has a highly inhibition effect against Streptococcus mutans. The results of the statistical analysis showed the significant difference to the antibiotic synergistic with Sesamum oil, and developing isolates in the culture media containing Sesamum with minimum inhibition concentration changed their sensitivity towards the antibiotics compared with sensitivity before treatment, the isolate lost its ability to produce biofilm,and production of haemolysin, bacteriocin, and gelatinase, and reduced production for protease, while Sidrophores production was not affected.


Main Subjects

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