Document Type : Research Paper


University of Anbar-College of Applied Sciences-Heet


The purpose of the study is to mix some medicinal plant powders with the food diet and to compare them with the Amberolium antibiotic and to study their effect as dietary aids in improving the hematological , serological, and productive characteristics of the broiler chickens (Rose 308).The four types of medicinal plants were added to the Rose308 broiler Rosemary ,peel of pomegranate, pine and willow plants, and treatment of amberolium was added to water at a concentration of 0.5 g / L. our research includes studies the following : complete blood pictures, biochemical blood parameters ,and all the results oversoften to SSD statistic programs.The results of the study showed that the cumulative performance characteristics of the period (1-42 days) showed significant differences (P< 0.05) For the treatment of control compared with other treatments. It was found that the best treatment in improving the performance characteristics when mixed with the diet and calculating the length of time of breeding period and the body's resistance to diseases and the percentage of losses is the treatment to which the pomegranate powder was added compared with the production characteristics of the other treatments and compared with the control , And the treatment was reduced from the loss rate. The efficiency of the pomegranate peel powder to the type of active ingredient may have been widely used in commercial medical treatments, and the blood parameters ratios of this treatment were closely correlated with the control ratios. As it had an active role in increasing the amount of( Hb , RBC and Platelate) and lower the levels of ESR compared with control and the rest of the other transactions, either serological factors which include: (Total serum protein, albumins, uric acid, creatinine)& (Lipid TC, TG, HDL).It was also found that giving some natural extracts of plants has led to a significant stability of the serological factors. (lipid TC, TG, HDL), and some natural extracts of plants have resulted in significant stability in the results, The final results of our study found that peel of pomegranate powder was the best treatment in terms of improvement of the performance traits and the indicators of the hemolytic , serological and ionic characteristics, while the lowest of the above indicators was in the powder of rosemary leave.


Main Subjects

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