Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Anbar - College of Science

2 University of Fallujah - College of Veterinary Medicine


This study was conducted to assess the efficiency of home water treatment system for removing bacterial content and reducing concentrations of some chemical agents (calcium, magnesium, sulfate and chlorides) by treating samples of river water and well water. Results Bacteriological tests showed that the system highly efficient in removing bacterial content after it exceeded the standard value of total number of aerobic bacteria in the Iraqi water quality standard and the World Health Organization (WHO) for drinking water quality, which reached before treatment 21x105 and 16x105 (cellml) in both waters samples of river and wells, respectively.
The results showed high efficiency of the system for reducing the concentrations of calcium, sulfates and chlorides in both of river and wells waters, which made them identical with the Iraqi and WHO standards in exception of the sulfate concentration in the wells water, which remained higher than the Iraqi standards. The study indicate that the concentration of magnesium has decreased significantly after treatment in both waters, but it remained higher than Iraqi and WHO standards, while in wells it exceeded the Iraqi standards only.
The results of the statistical tests indicate a significant effect of treatment on reducing the concentrations of calcium and sulfate in both raw waters, while it had no significant effects on reducing concentration of magnesium in river water and chlorides concentration in wells water.

Main Subjects

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