Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Anbar - College of Education for Pure Sciences

2 University of Tikrit - College of Agriculture


Studied the effects Histopathological of stuck bacterial P.aeruginosa and enzyme protease crude and Partially purified in the liver and kidney of rats injected and by 0.1 and 0.05 μl b.w, results Showed that bacterial Stuck and crude enzyme protease and partially purified caused variations satisfactory textile in each of the liver tissue, kidney Where Histological sections showed in the liver occurrence of variations differing including thickness in the central vein central vein, and vascular congestion blood vessels congestion and infiltration unilateral cell nucleus mononucleotide cells infiltration, and degeneration vacuolar vacuolated degeneration as well as the presence of foci of multiple necrotic, while the Histological sections of the college showed bleeding bloody, thickness of the wall of blood vessels, and break in the tubule and the presence of the fiber has been concluded from the current study that patients with stuck bacterial effect of most of the crude enzyme, while the effect of the enzyme purified less than a crude enzyme.


Main Subjects

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