Document Type : Research Paper


1 College of Science, University of Anbar

2 College of Science, University of Baghdad


The current study established that the histopathological changes in the skin of male mice injected with resistant isolate to ciprofloxacin harbouring gyrA mutant mixed with the ciprofloxacin at sub minimum inhibitory concentration (512 micrograms / ml) was less severe than what it waas noticed in the mice injected with the sensitive isolate, which confirms that the antibiotic imposed a stress on the bacterial cell to prevent the production of virulence factors. Simultaneously, it was observed that the sensitive isolate caused severe histological changes in the mice skin layers than wrought by the isolate bearing resistance genes for ciprofloxacin, which confirms that the sensitive isolate owns more virulence determinants than its counterpart; resistant one.


Main Subjects

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