Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Baghdad - Institute of Genetic Engineering

2 Collage of Education- University of Anbar

3 Collage of Education- University of Anba


P.aeruginosa bacteria are opportunistic pathogens capable of infection almost every tissue in the body as a result of possessing a large variety of virulence factors which significantly contribute to the pathogenicity of the host events. In the current study was to collect 119 samples from different clinical and environmental sources. to investigate the spread of bacteria P.aeruginosa and to study the virulence factors by a sample of 90 of those patients in several Hospitals in the city of Baghdad, including 33 samples of burns infections, 22 samples of wound infections, 17 samples of Otitis media infections, and 11 samples for urinary tract infections as well as 7 isolates belonging to patients with cystic fibrosis, The environmental samples included 10 samples of soil, 10 samples of water, and 9 samples of theaters. Diagnosed develop isolated after planted on different growth media through phenotypic traits and microscopic examinations and confirmed diagnosis using API 20E kit, as well as molecular diagnostics definitive diagnosis of isolates that give a positive result as bacteria P.aeruginosa during the previous tests were depending on the gene diagnosis 16SrDNA with a special bacterial sequence of P.aeruginosa. Diagnostic results showed that 61 isolated a 51% belonging for the type of P.aeruginosa of the total clinical and environmental samples that were divided on 15 isolates 24.6% of cases of burns infections, 13 isolates 21.4% of cases of wound infections, 10 isolates 16.3% of cases of Otitis media infections, 5 isolates 8.3% of cystic fibrosis, 4 isolates 6.5% of cases of urinary tract infections, 6 isolates 9.8% of soil, 4 isolates 6.5% of water, and 4 isolates 6.5% of the galleries operations. The results of the phenotypic detections of some virulence factors showed that 95% of the isolates were producing hemolysin enzyme type β –hemolysis, while it was 93.44% of the isolates producing protease enzyme and to varying degrees, and the percentage of isolates producing pyocyanin pigment was 73.13%. The prevalence of some virulence factors of P.aeruginosa was investigated in both clinical and environmental isolates by molecular genetic methods, included these genes each of the genes encoded of fatty proteins Opr I, Opr L. The results showed the existence of genes ( Opr I ) increased by 100%, while the gene Opr L ratio was 96.72% within the genetic structure of the isolates studied.


Main Subjects

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