Document Type : Research Paper


College ducation university of Samarra


The determination of accuracy , precision and efficiency were carried out in this study , Four method were used : one of them was colorimetric (monoxam method) and three enzymatic method as kits which provided by (Biomaghreb, Biosystem, Randox) , In which the comparison between the four methods were carried out by using Relative stardard deviation –RSD%, Error percentage and variation coefficient )CV) for methods under investigation.The more accurate and consensual and efficient was wein original concentration of 50 mg /100 cm3 for methods Monnoxam the number of ready-made processed Biomaghreb companies, Biosystem's, and was more accurate and agree and accuracy to focus the original 40 mg / 100 cm3 to the way many ready-processed from its parent company Randox for used urea standard Solutions.The accuracy, precision and efficiency for the fourth method were higher at 40 mg/dl for standard urea solution , In which the RSD was 0.080% error % was 1.398% and CV was 0.197%.No significant variation were indicate for urea concentration in quality control solution by using the for the fourth method in which the error% was 2.106% , while the higher precision was indicate for the second method in which the RSD 0.001 %.

Main Subjects

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