Document Type : Research Paper


College ducation for women university of Al-anbar


The research was conducted at Rizkari Teaching Hospital in Erbil and extended for about 11 months from March 2016 to January 2017. Thyroid samples were collected from 45 patients who had undergone mastectomy. The incidence included increased thyroid secretion and swelling of the gland. The age of Patients ranged from 46 to 54 years . The Triiodothyronine (T3), Thyroxine (T4), and TSH hormones were measured for patients as well as control group.Therefore, the present study aimed tostudy of histological and hormonal changes, which occur on the thyroid gland in the event of a defect in the secretion or swelling of the thyroid in women.The results of present study showed that the T3 values were the highest in cases,in cresed secetion and swelling of thyroid thecomparison with the control group with a significant difference (P <0.05) in cases, increased secretion and thyroid inflation. T4 values were lower than T3 in both cases compared with control group, whereas TSH values were lower than T3 and T4 compared with control group. Histologically, the results showed that there was a change in cells size and follicles due to increased secretion of Hyperthyroidism. Also, Goiter inflation a marked progression was observed in the tumor with in creased the number of cells and connective tissue between the follicles .

Main Subjects

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