Document Type : Research Paper


1 college education university of Al-anbar

2 College of Science, University of Anbar


The present study has been done in Al-Ramadi Teaching Hospital in Al-Anbar governorate from 1/4/2016 to 1/10/2016.The study included 135 blood samples patients suffering from chronic renal diseases severe renal inflammation and renal gravel of as follows : (40) samples of blood for patients with chronic renal failure (15) samples for severe renal inflammation , (40) samples for renal gravel and in addition to the control group (40samples). The statistical results of this study has shown that there is moral rise (P<0.05) in the activity average of some enzymes ( AST, ALT , ALP ) in patients of chronic renal failure , severe renal inflammation and renal gravel as compared with the control group . The results also shown that there is moral rise (P<0.05)in the activity of enzyme GGT in patients of chronic renal failure only. On the contrary , the results in patients of severe renal inflammation and renal gravel are morally low ( P<0.05) as compared with the control group . The study also shown that there is a moral rise ( P<0.05) in the concentration of the total protein and globulin in patients of different kidney diseases as compared with the control group. The study showed a moral reduction (P<0.05) in the concentration of the albumin in patients with chronic renal failure and severe renal inflammation as compared with the control group . As for the results of the tests of total bilirubin there is a moral rise ( P<0.05)in patients with different renal diseases as compared with the control group. The study concluded that there is disorder in some of the hepatic function and the enzymic system in patients with different renal diseases in most of the studied biochemical aspects.

Main Subjects

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