Document Type : Research Paper


college education university of Al-anbar


Nano composite polymeric - based polymers of thermosets material consisting of two groups of Nano composite polymeric, first: is unsaturated polyester resin (UP) which being considered the base material that supported with Zirconium oxide with Nano yttrium ( ZrO2Y2O3), that has granular size (83.98nm), and other group consist of unsaturated polyester resin (UP) that supported with Nano Zirconium oxide (ZrO2 ) that has granular size (47.23nm), where the study include impact of selected volume fraction with (0.5% , 1% , 1.5% , 2% , 2.5% , 3%) all separately and for every material support, Also through this study number of mechanical tests have been carried out and these includes (Tensile, Compression Strength, Hardness) which all tests were conducted at room temperature by Hand Lay-up method. The results show that (tensile strength coefficient, Compression Strength, hardness), where it increase with the increase of volume fraction of nanoparticle for both polymeric Nano composites material, while (tensile strength ) decreased with increasing of volume fraction of nanoparticle for both polymeric Nano composites material too. The polymer mixture of polyester basis which supported with Zirconium only shows that it has higher mechanical and physical properties than the polymer mixture supported by Zirconium particles with Nano yttrium.

Main Subjects

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