Document Type : Research Paper


Anbar University - College of Science



:The present study sheds light on knowing the spread of klibsilla oxytoca Bacteria in
(100) soil sample taken from the regions of AL-Jazeera ,AL-Taameem, AL-Khaldiya , AL-Sufiya and
AL-Habbaniya .The ratio of the existence of these Bacteria ranges between 12-88% . The results
indicate that all samples contain klibsilla oxytoca Bacteria ;and (36) isolate has been obtained form
these Bacteria . The study also includes the evaluation of the effeiency of isolates in foxing Nitrogen .It
is appeared that the highest quantity of foxing Nitrogen reaches at (1.3) mlg Nitrogen / 100 ml . by
local isolation klibsilla oxytoca J3 .When studying the effect of different concentrations of NP and
Urea fertilizers on the growth of isolate in the solid and liquid cultures from the vrem point of colonies
diameters and numerical density, the result show the ability of this isolate on the growth at the addition
of a quarterly concentration (83 and3.2) per million to NP fertilizer and Urea fertilizer respectively . the
diameter .Colonies that grow in the solid culture is ( 2,2,5,3,2,3,4,4,and 3) ml ,respect rely ,during the
periods g incubation (144,120,96,72,48,and 24)hour . While the nureoced density reaches at
(9.21,9.23,8.98,8.74,7.93,6.98)Log/ml .The results eg .Biology experiment proved the efficiency of this
isolate in foxing Nitrogen . Appeared in all the features g plant , (plant weight ,plant length , plant
content of nitrogen and chlorophyll ) ,that are studded in the treatment in which isolate mixture is used
with quarter of concentration (3.2, 83) per million to NP fertilizer and Urea fertilizer respectively . The
results state that the mixture of isolate with a quarter of recommendation is able to foxing Nitrogen at a
rate of 4.43 mlg Nitrogen / plant . while the soil content of total Nitrogen is 120.63 mlg/kg and the 8.09
microbial density Log/g soil . It is found that the best rote to these plant ,in this treatment reaches (20 ,
74 )in the plant bight and rote con respectively and the dry weight reaches at ( 178 ,16.2 ) mg /plant


Main Subjects

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