Document Type : Research Paper


1 College of Science - Anbar University

2 College of Education - Anbar University



The study includes two main groups; the first group consists of (90) during
delivery women, while the second consists of (90) new born children. The two
groups are divided into other subgroups depending on whether they are anemic and
non anemic. The first group contains (66) anemic women and (24) non anemic
women, While the second group contains (23) anemic newborn and (67) non anemic
new born. Total levels of protein and cholesterol have been checked in the
subgroups in addition to the effect of anemia on these variables and the changes in
total cholesterol and protein levels in regard to weight of the newly born. Variations
of these variables depending on sex in the subgroups of newly born have also been
checked. The study has revealed that total levels of cholesterol in during delivery
anemic women were significantly high in comparison with their levels in non anemic
women, their rates range (186 ±18.51) and (163±23.54) mg/dl for each of the two
groups, respectively. Moreover, total protein levels were higher in non anemic
women than in anemic women ranging (6.97±0.76) and (6.16±0.6) gm/dl,
respectively (p < 0.05). Total cholesterol levels in anemic newborn were not
significantly different from non anemic children, whereas total protein levels in non
anemic children were higher compared with anemic children , rates rang
(7.59±0.72) and (6.69 ±0.91) respectively(p<0.05). As for the relationship between
the sex of the child and the studied biochemical variables in the sub groups, child
sex had no effect on total cholesterol levels, whereas total protein levels varied;
Differences were significant between male and female anemic children, while
differences were not significant between male and female non anemic children. Also
differences were significant between anemic and non anemic male children, whereas
they were significant between anemic and non anemic female children (p<0.05).
The study has also shown that weights of non anemic children were higher in
comparison with anemic children, they were (3.4±0.38) and (3.02±0.47) respectively
(p<0.05). Differences in weight between female and male anemic children were not
significant; also they were not significant in male and female non anemic children.
Differences in weight between anemic and non anemic children were significant;
also they were significant between anemic and non anemic female children.
There was a difference in the relationship between weights of anemic and non
anemic children and total levels of protein and cholesterol in female and male
children. In non anemic children, the relationship between total protein levels and
the weight of male and female children was slightly significant (r= 0.357), while it
was not significant in terms of total cholesterol levels with weights of female and
male children. There was a reversible relationship between total protein levels in
anemic male children and their weights (r=-0.448), while in female children the
relationship was slightly significant(r=0.313). Total cholesterol levels in anemic male
children had a high significant relationship (r=0.914) with their weight, while it was
not significant in anemic female children.

Main Subjects

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