Document Type : Research Paper


University of Anbar - College of Engineer.



The main objective of this study is to evaluate the Euphrates river at Ramadi city and Al-Dhiban canal for different purposes, and to study the variation of cations, anions, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, total hardness, sodium adsorption ratio and percentage of sodium for the period (1992-1998). The results indicate that water in Euphrates river at Ramadi city and Al-Dhiban canal is suitable for drinking, irrigation and for different industrial purposes according to the world and Iraqi standard except the total hardness. This exceeded the permissible limits for some months during the study interval which causes additional limitation for domestic and industrial purposes. The results also revealed an increase in parameter values in Al-Dhiban canal in contrast to Al-Ramadi location due to the effect of Al-Warrar canal and Al-Habbaniyah lake. The study concluded that calcium is the cations which are the most available elements in both locations, followed by sodium, magnesium, and potassium. As for anions it was observed that sulfate concentrations are higher than chloride concentrations.


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