Document Type : Research Paper


1 College of Science - Sulaymaniyah University

2 College of Science - Anbar University



A three species of clam Unio tigridis, Pseudontopsis euphraticus and
Anodonta sp. were collected from Al-Habaniya lake, Al-Angor region/ Al-Anbar-
Iraq .The animals were exposed to three concentrations of mercury :0.1, 0.2 and
0.4 mg/l . First group of animals were exposed for three weeks ,second group for
two weeks and the third group for one week. At the end of the exposure period,
the animals were dissected ,then the kidney removed for the further study on
proteins and enzymes. The results were :
1. Total protein increased in the kidney of the third species at all mercury
concentrations and decreased in the kidney of the first and second species
. We observed prominent effect of mercury on the electrophoretic bands
of proteins with the decrease in the intensity of protein bands or induction
of new bands.
2. The activity of the three enzymes : Alkaline phosphatase , GPT and GOT
were not stable, either increasing or decreasing according to the different
species and concentration of the mercury , for example the activity of
alkaline phosphatase increased in the kidney of the first species at lower
and decreased at the two other concentration . The activity of GPT
increased in the kidney of the first species at all concentrations of mercuy,
while the activity of GOT decreased at first concentration in the kidnies
the first and third species

Main Subjects

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