Document Type : Research Paper


Technical Medical Institute / Baghdad



This result study is a survey of tuberculosis in 2009. This surveyis comported with the
infection from 2004 to 2008. The comparison is based on the type of infection, age, sex, and the programs of
fighting tuberculosis in the governorates.The data is obtained from the Ministry of Health/ Directorate of
Health prevention. Descriptive statistics, which include chi- squire distribution, percentages, and statistical
tables and figures, are used to analyze the data. The result study concludes that the pulmonary tuberculosis
and external pulmonary tuberculosis andtuberculosis Lymphatic glands is increased in males between 15
years old and 45 during 2008 and 2009. The program of fighting tuberculosis Infection proves its affectivity
that many infected cases are treated. The result study recommends increasing the awareness of people of the
dangers of tuberculosis and focusing on the significance of the vaccination, investigation, periodical physical
examination, and the programs of fighting tuberculosis application

Main Subjects

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