Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ministry of Health Anbar Health Department

2 Anbar University - College of Education for Pure Sciences, Iraq



The total no. Of patient involuzd in the study was 55 . Twenty seven were from rural origin while
28 from aurban . The total no.of cases that yielded pure anaerobic growth was 11 while 28 cases aerobic and mixed
growth ( aerobic and anaerobic ) were noticed in 8 cases . no growth was found in 8 cases .Bacteroides fragilis
and peptostreptococcas sp. were found to be the predominant anaerobic bacteria while Staph. aurus and
Klebsiella sp. were found to be the predominant arobics . The majority of anaerobic isolation were found to be
sensitive to meropenem ( 100 %) and chloramphincol and imipenem (85 %) and Erythomycine (83 %) . The
aerobic isolate were found to be sensitive to Pipracillin,Cefotaxim and Ciprofloxacime while the were resistant to
Ampicillin and Gentamycin

Main Subjects

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