Document Type : Research Paper


1 college of Science - Department of Physics

2 College of Education - Department of Physics



The Laser interaction with the semiconductor (si) is very important operations which are so
important in Laser industrial applications. For this interaction the effected mechanical of
induced diffusion which connected in this work of detectors during the optical properties for the
semiconductor. This study showed that the defects happening in single crystal of silicon kind-n.
Irradiation by Laser Nd-YAG with wave length (1.06μm) and pulse duration (10ms) which
conclude defects as (cracks, concaves, convexes and holes) forms and depending on radiation
power where optical microscope was used for this purpose. The result of the diffraction of x-ray
showed a phase change from single crystal to ( poly crystalline and amorphous) when using the
radiation in period power (1.4kw , 0.75kw) consecutively. Also the surface resistance and the
penetration depth were found proportional to increasing of the radiation power.


Main Subjects

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