Document Type : Research Paper


Mosul University - College of Nursing



The current study was executed in January and ended in November 2008 to
investigate the extent of the pollution and spreading of intestinal parasites and their phases in the nails
alone or associated with stool for a sample of study consisted of 250 male and female pupils whom
their ages fall between (7-13) years old they belong to four schools related to districts of center of
Duhok Governorate. The study revealed that there are differences in the pollution of hands, feet nails
and stools with intestinal parasites among the pupils. The rate of infection in the hands of female pupils
nails is more than the one in male pupils. While the rate of infection caused by the feet nails in male
pupils are more than it is in female pupils.
Parasites phases of intestinal worms under the nails of hands alone were isolated, and also the
associated ones with stool were isolated. The rate of Entameba histolytica cysts was 14.4% and the rate
of Giardia lamblia was 16.2%.The rate of intestinal worms eggs was of 18.4% for Enterobius
vermicularis and 5.6% for Trichuris trichaura, while the isolated parasites phases, that are under the
nails of feet alone and the ones that are associated with stool revealed the following rates: 4.8%
Entameoba histolytica, 8% for the eggs of Hymenolepis nana, and 5.6% for the eggs of Trichuris

Main Subjects

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