Document Type : Research Paper


1 College of Science - University of Diyala

2 College of Education - Anbar University

3 College of Science - Anbar University


Lab. Experiments to prepare Biophos has been carried out. The experiments was
based on a field observation for three seasons at the area Zankoria west Ramadi city 25 km
Anbar governorate, Iraq. From field observation and Lab analysis, we have F.oxysporum that
infected plant and cause fusarium wilt disease, and two isolate Streptomycets sp.f3-y3 ,
Streptomycets sp.f3-y3.that had ability to inhibitor F.oxysporum . A clay soil and plants powder
(Cyperus rotundus Linn., Phragites austrialis ,Eucalyptus microtheca ) were used in percentage
20,10,40,30% respectively. The prepare compos were mixed up with powder of rock phosphate
–appetite with compos in ratio 1:1,0.5:1, 0:1.The mixture was wet with sterilization whey and
then it was inoculated with St.ts sp.f3-y3., P. fluorescence f1-y1, that has been isolated from the
observation aria (as to be at the highest total density microbes on the roots of un affected
plants). The treatments was incubated in 28± 2 c؛ for 20,40,60 days. Some of lab. Test were
carried out analysis had been carried out on the results of the lab. test. The results indicated
that prepared material for the Biophos - St sp.f3-y3 for an incubated period 60 days, was
recorded the highest contents of phosphorus, nitrogen, humic and falvic acids in additions
biomass, the rafter the treatment of the prepare material with inoculated P. fluorescence f1-y1
for an incubated period 40 days. The ability of the prepared material and their extract 5:1 w.d.
Ratio. Were tested in the inhibition of the F.oxysporum. The result indicated the activity of the
extracted the mixture of two materials Biophos and the material mixture as the give the highest
ability for completely inhibition F.oxysporum. Both characterizing material were used to
prepare treatment from Biophos St. sp.f3-y3, Biophos-P. fluorescence f1-y1 with a ratio of 1:1.
The treatment were adding in an amount of 20 g. / plant by using two different methods-with
seeds 2-partitioning the quantity on two share, first gave with seeds, while the other after a
month of plantation-adding after one month of plantation. Another treatment was carried out
by used mixture from two isolates inoculums were added with like method. Inoculums of
F.oxysporum uses with treatments or without it (control treatment). The treatments were
carried out in the same field area which planted with watermelon (Charleston Negara Citrullus
vulgaris L) the percentage of infected and average productions were recorded. The result
revealed the superiority of the mixture that parting in two shares, to given the lowered infection
percentage 8.5% and highest productivity 40 ton/ha


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