Document Type : Research Paper


Anbar University - College of Education for Girls



The aim of this study is to test the activity of thaiourease compounds on the viability of some species
of bacteria such as E.coli, Klebsiella species and Staphylococcus areas Pseudomonas earigenosa which
was isolated from the stool and skin sores respectively of patients who attends at Ramadi women –
children hospital. Thaiourease compounds were prepared and solved in 95% ethanol alcohol at
concentrations of 1% and 5%. The results were analysed statistically, compared at a level of 0.05% and
showed that the concentration of 5% was significantly more inhibiting on most bacteria involved in the
study by measuring the diameter of inhibition around the compound.Two concentrations (5%&1%) for
two compounds of thaiouorease (A&B) were prepared respectively and the inhibition diameter was
applied to indicate the viability and activity of these compounds. The concentration 5% produced
inhibition circle of 22.7mm with the bacteria Pseudomonas earigenosa while the control test was
19.3mm with ampicillin. The lowest inhibition circle was at concentration 1% with bacteria
Pseudomonas earigenosa ; with E.coli the inhibition diameters were 18.4&21.6mm at concentration of
1%&5% respectively . The thaiourease B compound gave inhibition diameters with E.coli which were
17.3mm for the concentration 5% &19.3mm for the control . The activity of Thaiourease was compared


Main Subjects

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