Document Type : Research Paper


College of Science - University of Anbar



The purification and Extracts was vehicles Lawsone , Vasicine and Nicotine of
medicinal plants henna Lawsonia inermis , Halk Al-Sabea Al-Shuejairy Adhatoda vasica
and tobacco Nicotiana tobacum by some diagnostic devices and Methods IR, UV, TLC,
Melting point and some chemical tests have been studying the effect of their
effectiveness in economic life insect larvae house fly Musca domestica and Culex
quinquefasciatus mosquitoes and rusted flour beetle Tripolium castneum and calculate
the Rate of kill cumulative , non-cumulative effectiveness of these vehicles, and results
showed superiority Vasicine compared to the rest of other vehicles whether cumulative
effect Or non- cumulative night in the effectiveness Nicotine then Lawsone results also
indicated that the most vulnerable phases was the first phase larvae and all transactions
while the fourth phase larvae of mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus , Tripolium castneum
are less affected , and the third phase larvae of Musca domestica are the least affected,
and the results showed that Distortions appearance in the larval treatment with
prolonging the number of days in the larvae phase .

Main Subjects

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