Document Type : Research Paper


College of Science / University of Anbar



ABSTRACT:Extraction and purification Vasicine was a composite of plant Adhatoda vasica by some
diagnostic methods IR, UV , TLC, Melting point and examined some of the chemical study of the effect
has been effective against some bacterial isolates satisfactory positive and negative nature of the mark of
these isolates were Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli and
compared its effect with eight water extracts of some extraction medicinal plants:
It Citrus limon, Piper nigrum, Mentha peprinta, Ficus carica, Alium sativum, Echinops spinosissimus,
Datura innoxia, Datura stramunium, the compound has proved superior to the rest of plant extracts in the
effectiveness of biological , Gave the highest composite inhipation ability to concentrate 50 mg / ml and
33 mm in diameter for the Pseudomonas bacteria, while the 26 mm, 24 mm for the bacteria E. coli and
Staphylococcus, respectively, followed by extraction water in the seeds of its Mentha disincentive


Main Subjects

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