Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Life Sciences - College of Science


One hundred clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were isolated from
230 clinical samples taken from inpatients and out patient in general hospital in
Al-Ramadi City during 2001 and 2002. These isolates were collected from ears,
wounds and pus swabs as well as urine samples,then tested for susceptibility to
eleven antibiotics ,(Ampicillin,Carbencillin,Gentamycin,Chloramphenicol,
Cephalothin.Tetracyclin,Amoxcicillin,Streptomycin,Tobromycin,Cefataxim and
Ciprofloxacin).Most of the isolates were with high resistant to different antibiotics,
showed that 69.3% of the isolates were resistant to Tetracycline and 70.8%
resistant to Cephalpthin, whereas they showed lowest resistant against
Gentamicin, Cefataxim and Ciprofloxacin (20.6,21.8,22.4)%respectively.
The resistant percentage was differ among all isolates collected from different
samples. The isolates of wounds swabs showed the greatest resistance (78.5%)
against Tetracycline , in contrast, the lowest resistance (4.7%) was appeared with
isolates collected from pus swabs against Ciprofloxacin. The pattern of multiple
antibiotics resistance have distributed between the resistance to the two antibiotics
Tetracyclin and Cephalpthin (50%) and to all antibiotics used (2%).


Main Subjects


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