Document Type : Research Paper


Anbar University - College of Veterinary Medicine, Iraq



The study aimed to detect prevalence of intestinal parasites in children and adults in the
central hospital for children and AL- Yarmuk hospital in Baghdad throughout a year.In children, 3195
fecal samples were examined, which revealed that the percentage of infection was 21.62% and the higher
rate of infection occurred due to E. histolylica (16.90%), then G. lamblia (3.78%). At level of months, the
higher percentage was occurred due to E. histolytica during November, October and September (26.14,
24.72 and 20.72)% respectively, followed by G. lamblia in which (5.24, 5.19 and 4.93)% were recorded
during February, October and August, respectively.In adult, 1649 fecal samples were examined and the
infection percentage reached to (28.80)%. The infections occurred due to E. histolytica, G. lamblia and C.
mesnili (22.01, 3.63 and 1.63)% respectively. In terms of months of E. histolytica, the higher percentage
was recorded during November, August, September, December and October (39.87, 35. 93, 34.54, 30. 76
and 29.41)% respectively. According to sex of the children, the higher percentage of E. histolytica
infection occurred in male during October and November (33.33 and 26. 80)% respectively while, the
higher percentage of G. lamblia infection occurred in male during August and October (5.74 and 5.69)%
respectively. In adults, the higher percentage of E. histolytica infection reached to (40.84%) during
August, then (46.75%) during November in male and female, respectively, followed by C. mesnili (9.52
and 14.56)% in both male and female respectively, during October. The mixed infections reached to (1.33
and 1.43)% in both children and adults respectively and the higher percentage of mixed infection
occurred due to E. histolytica and G. lamblia in both children and adults

Main Subjects

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