Document Type : Research Paper


Anbar University - College of Science - Department of Life Sciences,


The present study aims to determine the changes in some of blood
composition for pregnant women include complete blood picture , activity of S.Alp , S.GOT ,
S.GPT , total billirubine , blood sugar , blood urea , S. creatinine for pregnant women who
used to visit in Ramadi Hospital for women and children from 1.Nov.2005 till to 1.Feb.2006.
As the results show , the level of Hb. is decreased significantly (p<0.05) , the P.C.V. is
decreased significantly (p<0.05) , the WBCs are increased non- significantly (p>0.05) , the
plts. are decreased non-significantly (p>0.05 ) , the clotting time decreased non-significantly
(p>0.05 ) , the bleeding time increased non-significantly (p>0.05 ) . The S.T.P. decreased nonsignificantly
(p>0.05 ) . The blood urea decreased significantly (p<0.05) . the S.Creatinine
decreased significantly (p<0.05). the activity of S.Alp increased significantly (p<0.05). the
activity of S.G.P.T & S.G.O.T. increased non-significantly (p>0.05 ) . the level of B. sugar
increased significantly.

Main Subjects

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