Document Type : Research Paper


1 Mosul University - College of sciences

2 Mosul University - College of Education,



The enrich methanolic extract of unripe fruit of Melia azedarch L. which was given with the food of
larvae beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua Hunber.Concentrations of the extract which were ranged between 0.25 to
10.0 ppm were used to investigate the effect of M. azedarach extract on the gonads of adults derived from treated
larvae. Histological bases of the extract application were investigated inovaries and testes sections. Low
concentrations induced reduction of one ovary, or parts of the ovariole , or parts of the ovary were histolysed and
disappeared. Application of male larvae with 0.25 ppm of the extract caused separation of scrotum from fat bodies.
Gradual histological variation synchronized with the increasing extract concentration was as follows; reduction of
epithelial layer of testicular follicles and scattering of spermatogonia. High concentrations led to histolyse parts of the
scrotum, follicle envelop and fat bodies content


Main Subjects

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