Document Type : Research Paper


College of Computer, University of Al-Anbar, Iraq



In this paper we use the elliptic curves system in the Public Key Traitor Tracing Scheme. The Elliptic Curve points form Abelian group that used in the Public Key Traitor Tracing Scheme. The main advantage of elliptic curves systems is thus their high cryptographic strength relative to the size of the key. We design and implement an elliptic curves public key encryption scheme, in which there is one public encryption key, but many private decryption keys which are distribute through a broadcast channel, the security of the elliptic curves public key encryption scheme based on the Elliptic Curves Decisional Diffie Hellman(ECDDH) problem that is analogous to Decisional Diffie Hellman(DDH) problem, but it is more intractable than DDH problem.


Main Subjects

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