Document Type : Research Paper


1 Anbar University - College of Education and Pure Sciences

2 Anbar University - College of Science



The research involves the study of the asphalt , water and the possibility of ions leaching from
asphalt to water released out of three mineral springs in Heet city , namely , Khalidia village , Hay Al-khader and hay
Al- shuhadaa . The physical properties of the asphalt were syudied , like , penetration , softening point , flash point ,
ductility , solubility , ash content and specific gravity . The UV and IR spectra were recorded and compared with that of
(oil asphalt) which left behind the oil refinery process . The results show an agreement in the properties of the springs
asphalt compared with that of oil asphalt this conclusion was supported by the UV and IR spectra. The physical and
chemical properties of springs water were also studied , i. c. the measurement of pH , conductivity, suspended sediments
, dissolved solid , turbidity , Total hardness, concentration of calcium , potassium, magnesium , ammonium , sodium ,
sulphate , phosphate, sulphide , chloride and fluoride ions were determined and it seems that the concentration of most
ions is higher than standard limits which means that it is not possible to use it as drinking water but can be used for
agriculture purposes after certain treatment . The spring asphalt show an ability of storing ions inside its layers and can
be leach out to surronding water as time passing

Main Subjects

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