Document Type : Research Paper


Baghdad University - College of Science



Vibration frequencies, IR absorption intensities and normal coordinates of the
Coronene radical cation and anion were calculated applying the semiemperical methods MINDO/3 and
PM3, and quantum mechanical method (DFT (B3LYP/6-311G)). The results allowed proper
assignments for the frequencies of the experimentally known, radical cation vibrations. They provided
preestimation of the radical anion frequencies. Comparison is done for the frequencies of the ions with
those of the neutral Coronene molecule. It was found that the C-H stretching frequencies are directly
related to the carbon -electron densities of the relevant atoms. This is not true for the change in the
CC stretching frequencies, which seem to be due to the change in symmetry from D6h for the neutral
molecule to D2h for its positive and negative radical ions

Main Subjects

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