Document Type : Research Paper


Mosul University - College of Education



Mosul city is locate in the north of Iraq and distinguish with calm winds dominance(less
than 5m.sec-1) as well as environmental lapse rate problems ,so, preventing air masses with its pollutants
arising up for dispersing or transporting away vertically.However, the pollutants are concentrating in the
atmosphere near the earth surface, for that increase of negative effects on the city environment, Citrus and
olives fruits were collected (with three replications )from eleven station in Mosul city, also control samples
collected from Ba, ashiqa town. Chemical analysis for the sample were done, and the determination of
elements: Pb, Cd and Zn with Atomic absorption spectrophotometer.The results were indicated to increase
of the concentration of the studied elements in the cortex and fleshy parts of the citrus (Citrus aurantima)
and olive (Olea europaea) fruits at the high traffic transport in relation to quit sector in the city and control
. Also, the study were introduced some suggestion and solution to eliminate the growing pollution problems
of Mosul city.


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