Document Type : Research Paper


1 Anbar University / College of Sciences

2 Anbar University / College of Education for Pure Sciences



The effect of some exogenous factors such as oxygen concentration and hydrogen ions
concentration on the rate of oxygen consumption of seawater snail Planaxis sulcatus . This study was
designed in Marine Sciences station (Aqaba) during the period September 2000 to October 2001 . High
weight specific oxygen consumption rate was observed at pH range 7 to 8 (135.245_ 119.717μl. gˉ¹ . hrˉ
¹) respectively. The results showed that Any deviation from this range toward more acidic or alkaline pH
reduced the oxygen consumption rate. The intertidal snail were oxygen conformers since their oxygen
consumption rate was oxygen concentration dependent at least at high oxygen concentration thus, the
weight specific oxygen consumption rate was increasing from as a result of increasing the oxygen
concentration from 20 to 100% oxygen saturation .


Main Subjects

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