Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tikrit University - College of Science

2 Tikrit University - College of Education, Iraq



The work included extraction and identification of atropine.The alkaloid of atropine was
extracted from Datura Innoxia using water extraction method.The purification of atropine was
accomplished using several chromatographic Thin Layer chromatography (TLC),HPLC method and
spectroscopic methods (UV,IR)
The results obtained above are compatable with atropine structural formula.The enzymetic activity study
of atropine extract have been carried out against acid phosphatase enzyme (ACP), the result obtained
medicated that شtropine showed good activition against (ACP) enzyme.
The presence of atropine extract showed lowering the concentration of Uric acid , Urea and Sugar in the
blood serum.
Finlly,the atropine extracted was evaluated for its antibacterial activity against Gram positive (G+)
(Staphylococcus aureus,Lactobacillus) and Gram negative (G-) (Escherechia Coli , Proteusral), the
result obtained indicated that atropine extract exhibited reasonable antibacterial activity

Main Subjects

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