Document Type : Research Paper


Anbar University - College of Education for Pure Sciences



In This study we investigated of microbial pollution of drinking water which is processed by Chlorine and supplied through water distribution net for some districts in Ramadi City. The samples are collected from three points in the main pipe line, from starting, middle and end of it. with an average of three samples per month. from January to July 2009.
We determined the microbial pollution of drinking water by finding the Total Coliform (TC), fecal Coliform (FC), and the Total Plate Count (TPC).
The results of this study referred to the averages of counts of FC,TC, and TPC at the first point are minimal counts Which are consecutively 3.2 c/ml,1.9 c/100ml, and 0.45 c/100ml respectively. while the average of Chlorine concentration was 3.4 mg/l at these points of water dragnets. Also the results referred to maximal counts of FC,TC, and TPC at the end of dragnets which are consecutively 33.6 c/ml, 15.4 c/100ml, and 5.5 c/100ml, and the chlorine concentration is lessening inside the systems of water distribution. So the average of chlorine concentration was 0.61 mg/l.
Our concluded, the supplied water from clarification station (The main project of water in Ramadi) for people is according to the Iraqi and world qualities which are occurred in samples taken from the starting of dragnets, but these samples are not according to the identified qualities when they are passing through distribution dragnets, because the most of dragnets are old and no maintenance would be done and these dragnets are exposed to oxidation and creaks. Also the trespass of people on these dragnets would influence on validity of drinking water.

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