Document Type : Research Paper


Anbar University - College of Education for women



The research is done to investigate the repellent effect of aquous, alcoholic and oil of seed extracts
of the plant Peganum harmala for the percentages (2, 4, 10, 15, 20)% on adult mosquito by using pigeons as food
source. Also the research investigates the repellent effect of oil extract on the hands of volunteers in comparison
with commercial (of Insect repellent) . Results showed that the oil extract have higher repellent effects than those of
alcoholic and aquous extracts, the repellence percentage were (83.33, 76.67, 56.76)% respectively; result also
showed that alkaloids of P. harmala had repellent effects on mosquitoe adults. The percentage of repellence on
adults due to alkaloid was 68% at 2% concentration. It's also found that when the hands of the volunteers treated
with the oil extract gave 80% protection during 60 sec. while commercial repellent gave 100% protection during the
same period.


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