Document Type : Research Paper


Tikrit University - College of Agriculture



We isolate and identified pathogenic bacteria from samples of drinking water which
supplied to the citizens in five different sectors in salahdeen pvovince : samara , al-dour, al-alam, alouja,
and hammad shihab village . The duration of this study about five monthes from January up to
June 2008 . We use the technique of membarane filters because it was agood techuique and give
accuriced results . in this technique the samples of water concentrate so there was an ability to isolate
bacterial species which presented in these samples in any numbers , so we garntee that we have
accuried results . inthis study we concentrate upon pathogenic bacteria which have bad influency on
health especially acute dirrehae which transfered by water .we wisolate the bacterial species as below :
Esherichia coli , Enterobacter aerogenes , Shigella sp , Salmonella sp , Klebsiella sp , Pseudomonus
sp , Aeromonus sp , and Vibrio cholera.

Main Subjects

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