Document Type : Research Paper


College of Nursing - Department of Basic Nursing Sciences



one hundred and five bacteria from Escherichia coli were isolated from cases of diarrhea in
children of both sexes, less than five years aged of both hospitalized and in out patient clinic in Ibn-
Alather Hospital in Mosul city , the case was determined by sex, the study showed that the rate of case
in males was higher than in females (51.61%), (33.06%) respectively. the sensitivity of E. coli to (13)
antibiotics were studied. The isolated bacteria showed to resistance more than one antibiotic, it gave
high resistance for Trimethoprim (34.67%), and for Ampicillin (33.06%), Amoxicillin (27.41%). It
showed intermediate resistance for Gentamicin (20.16%), the resistance to Nalidix acid and Cefixim
was (18.54%) for both while it was (16.12%) for Cefotaxime and (16.9%) for Cephalexin, and (14.5%)
for Tetracycline, while it showed low resistence for Amikicin (13.22%) and Sulfinamide and
Carbenicillin (2.41%) and for chloramp the resistance was (8.08%)


Main Subjects

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