Document Type : Research Paper


1 Anbar University/ College of Education for Pure Sciences

2 Al-Baath University - College of Agriculture - Syrian Arab Republic

3 Anbar University - College of Agriculture



The study was conducted to produce the single cell protein and to increase the content of Schanginia
aegyptiaca wastes from the parent microbial protein was to grow isolates from (Aspergillus niger) by the use of nutrient
media of Schanginia aegyptiaca powder and wastes of dairy factories and dates wastes by using incubators and solid
fermentation. The suitable conditions for production such as components media, percentage of support materials, time of
incubation and best isolate for production were determined.
Yield components of single cell protein were checked. The yield, was then used in specified ratios of replacement for the
vegetable protein in the preparation of carp fish (Cyprinus carpi) food. The results were as follows:-
1-Obtaining 10 local isolates inhabiting Schanginia aegyptiaca, three of them were selected depending on the ratio of growth
diameter which ranged between (5.60-6.40) cm on PDA media, The Is-8 isolate has been selected and diagnosed to
belong to fungi A. niger-P8 with A. niger-S isolate.
2-Wetting the powder media of Schanginia aegyptiaca with Whey and extract of dates wastes and fermented in a solid
culture doubled the percentage of the protein in the media up to (5) times. The highest percentage 8.14% was obtained
when wetting withWhey and by the use of A. niger-P8 isolate.
3-The produced protein contained low percentage of nucleic acids RNA and DNA. The totals of their percentage were 5.18%
and 5.32% in liquid culture protein, and 3.10% and 3.72% in solid culture protein for A. niger-P8 and A. niger-S
isolates, respectively, revealed that production are free from toxins.
4- The microbial protein produced contained 15 amino acids. The rates of the amino acids were 64.95 and 63.39 g/100g of
protein, the analysis of the microbial protein showed the highest content of Aspartic; 14.29 and 12.32 g/100g of protein
for A. niger-P8 and A. niger-S isolates, respectively.
5-The percentage of replacement 50% of Soya bean with the microbial protein A. niger-P8 produced gave the highest rate in
the weight of carp Cyprinus carpi 26.22 g per fish after 35 days of feeding with a difference 5.7% compared to control


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